Shoreline Buddy Baseball Challenger Little League is a skill building, non-competitive recreational league for boys and girls with special needs. The program focuses on experience of team play, exposure to a lifelong skill and participation in one of America’s favorite past times. Each player is paired with a “Buddy” to assist the player as needed. The Buddies primary responsibility is to encourage the players, keep them safe, share in the excitement of the game, and create a fun and successful opportunity for each player. The league fosters friendships and breaks down barriers. Not only do the players experience the thrill of participating, they also get to experience team play, being cheered on by a crowd, and camaraderie. All involved will have fun as friendships are formed and skills are developed.
The Challenger Division was established in 1989 as a separate division of Little League International to enable boys and girls with physical and mental challenges, ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in high school, to enjoy the game of baseball along with the millions of other children who participate in this sport worldwide. Today, more than 30,000 children participate in more than 900 Challenger Divisions worldwide.
To give all children the chance to play baseball in a setting that is fun and supportive. A big part of this, for the players, is to experience the sense of belonging that comes with being a part of a team. In Buddy Baseball, scores don’t count – everybody is a winner.
“We count smiles not runs.”
It’s all about acceptance, self-esteem, a positive learning experience
Since the majority of Shoreline Buddy Baseball players require support to successfully participate, they are paired up with volunteer “Buddies” who become their personal guides. The players need varying degrees of support, but whenever possible, they are encouraged to be independent, with “buddies” close by to lend a hand, when necessary. Each Buddy is assigned to a specific player, and stays with that player for the course of the season. Our goal with the Buddy system is not only give the players a better baseball experience, but also to provide a unique opportunity for true bonding between Player and Buddy and give our youth a sense of connectedness and value to our community. Several of our Buddies have said they learn more from the Players than the Players learn from them.
Basic Information
Location: Town of Westbrook, Ted Lane Fields
Address: 18 S. Main St., Westbrook, CT, 06498
Sundays: 12:00-1:30 (Buddies must report @ 11:30am)
Our games are 1 hour with a 15 minute practice before each game
Each team will only play one game per Sunday
*(See Game Schedule)
Towns with Current Participants in the Shoreline Buddy Baseball Program: Westbrook, Clinton, Haddam, Old Saybrook, Ivoryton, Higganum, Lyme, Old Lyme, East Lyme, Centerbrook, Killingworth, Chester, Essex, Deep River, Ledyard, Waterford, Guildford, North Branford, Middletown, Hamden, North Haven, and Preston.